Size: 33"H x 51"W x 1-1/2"D
Description: An irregularly shaped mural quarried from our "Fossil Lake" stone layer. The mural contains a 17-1/2" Diplomystus dentatus, a 12-1/2' Phareodus testis, 5-1/2" Cockerellites liops, and four Knightia eocaena in sizes from 5-1/2" to 6-3/4".
Weight: 83 lbs.
This irregularly shaped fossil mural was quarried from our "Fossil Lake" stone layer. The fossils include a large Diplomystus dentatus. Diplomystus was a surface-feeding fish characterized by its distinctive upturned mouth, a Phareodus testis, the ancient predator of the lake with its mouth bristling with sharp pointed teeth, a temperate bass known as Cockerellites liops, and four Knightia eocaena, an extinct relative of today's saltwater herring. The stone offers a unique horizontal shape with many colors and textures. The mural is backed in wood with finished and beveled edges. We have added a two-part French cleat to the back for easy hanging.