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16" Round Fossil Drink Table 9305t
16" Round Fossil Drink Table 9305t
A 16' round table containing two Cockerellites fossils.

Size: 23"H x 18"Round.

Description: A fossil drink table with a 16" round x 1-5/8" tall brushed finish stone top. The fossils include two Cockerellites liops measuring 4-3/4" and 5". The fossils are prepared in shallow relief. The base is made from hand-forged iron and steel.

Weight: 55 lbs.


Price: $2,400

16" Round Fossil Drink Table 9308t
16" Round Fossil Drink Table 9308t
A 16" round table containing two Diplomystus fossils.

Size: 23"H x 18"Round.

Description: A fossil drink table with a 16" round x 1-5/8" tall brushed finish stone top. The fossils include two Diplomystus dentatus measuring 6-1/4" and 7-1/2". The fossils are prepared in shallow relief. The base is made from hand-forged iron and steel.

Weight: 55 lbs.


Price: $2,400

16" Round Fossil Drink Table 5322t
16" Round Fossil Drink Table 5322t
A round drink table containing a Cockerellites and two Knightia fossils

Size: 23"H x 18"Round.

Description: A fossil drink table with a 16" round x 1-5/8" tall brushed finish stone top. The fossils include two Knightia eocaena measuring 3" and 3-1/2", and a 4-3/8" Cockerellites liops. The fossils are prepared in shallow relief. The base is made from hand-forged iron and steel.

Weight: 55 lbs.


Price: $2,400

3/4 View
Small Fossil Console Table 9302t
A small fossil console table containing a Diplomystus and a Knightia fossil.

Size: 31-3/4"H x 10"D x 34" L

Description: A small fossil console table with a 10" x 34" stone top with a brushed finish. The fossils include an 8-1/2" Diplomystus dentatus, and a 4-1/2" Knigthia eocaena. The fossils are prepared in shallow relief. The base is made from hand-forged iron and steel.

Weight: 80 lbs.


Price: $3,000

Small Fossil Console Table 5376t
Small Fossil Console Table 5376t
A small fossil console table containing a Cockerellites and a Knightia.

Size: 31-3/4"H x 10"D x 34" L

Description: A small fossil console table with a 10" x 34" stone top with a brushed finish. The fossils include a 5-1/4" Cockerellites liops, and a 4" Knightia eocaena. The fossils are prepared in shallow relief. The base is made from hand-forged iron and steel.

Weight: 80 lbs.


Price: $3,000

Small Fossil Console Table 5314t
Small Fossil Console Table 5314t
A small console table containing a Diplomystus and two Kinightia fossils.

Size: 31-3/4"H x 10"D x 34" L

Description: A small fossil console table with a 10" x 34" stone top with a brushed finish. The fossils include a 5-3/4" Diplomystus dentatus, and two Knightia eocaena measuring 3-3/8" and 4-1/4". The fossils are prepared in shallow relief. The base is made from hand-forged iron and steel.

Weight: 80 lbs.


Price: $3,000

Small Fossil Console Table 6334t
Small Fossil Console Table 6334t
A small fossil console table containing a Diplomystus fossil.

Size: 31-3/4"H x 10"D x 34" L

Description: A small fossil console table with a 10" x 34" stone top with a brushed finish. The fossils include a 10" Diplomystus dentatus. The fossil is prepared in shallow relief. The base is made from hand-forged iron and steel.

Weight: 80 lbs.


Price: $3,000

10" Round Fossil Table 2385t (SOLD)
10" Round Fossil Table 2385t (SOLD)
A small 10" round fossil table containing a Priscacara

Size: 21"H x 10-1/2"Round

Description: A small fossil side table with a 10" x 2-1/8" round stone top with a brushed finish. The fossils include a large 7-1/2" Priscacara serrata. The fossil is prepared in shallow relief. The base is made from hand-forged iron and steel.

Weight: 30 lbs.


Price: $980

24" Square Fossil Table 9301 (SOLD)
24" Square Fossil Table 9301 (SOLD)
A 24" square top table with a Priscacara and two Diplomystus

Size: 24"H x 26" Square

Description: A fossil side table with a 24" x 1-5/8" square stone top with a brushed finish. The fossils include a large 8" Priscacara serrata, and two Diplomystus dentaus in sizes of 10" and 4-1/2". The fossils are prepared in shallow relief. The base is made from hand-forged iron and steel.

Weight: 140 lbs.


Price: $3,800

16" Round Fossil Drink Table 9304t
16" Round Fossil Drink Table 9304t
A fossil drink table containing three Knightia

Size: 23"H x 18"Round.

Description: A fossil drink table with a 16" round x 1-5/8" tall brushed finish stone top. The fossils include three Knightia eocaena in sizes between 4-1/2" and 5". The fossils are prepared in shallow relief. The base is made from hand-forged iron and steel.

Weight: 55 lbs.


Price: $2,400

24" Round Fossil Side Table 9303t
24" Round Fossil Side Table 9303t
A 24" round side table containing a large Priscacara and 2- Knightia

Size: 25"H x 27"Round.

Description: A fossil side table with a 24" round x 1-5/8" tall brushed finish stone top. The fossils include a 9" Priscacara serrata, and two 4-1/2" Knightia eocaena. The fossils are prepared in shallow relief. The base is made from hand-forged iron and steel.

Weight: 120 lbs.


Price: $3,800

Fossil Coffee Table 9009t
Fossil Coffee Table 9009t
A fossils stone coffee table containing five fossils including a rare Notogonus osculus

Size: 18-3/4"H x 30"W x 50"D

Description: A 50" x 28" x 1-5/8" stone top with a brushed finish. The fossils include an 18-3/8" Notogoneus osculus, a 6-5/8" Priscacara serrata, and 3- Knightia eocaena in sizes from 6-1/2" to 6-1/4". The fossils are prepared in shallow relief. The base is made from hand-forged iron and steel.

Weight: 300 lbs.


Price: $5,700

Fossil Coffee Table 5333t
Fossil Coffee Table 5333t
A fossil stone coffee table containing three fossils.

Size: 18-3/4"H x 30"W x 50"D

Description: A 50" x 28" x 1-5/8" stone top with a brushed finish. The fossils include two Diplomystus dentatus measuring 16-1/2" and 4-1/2", and a Knightia eocaena measuring 6-1/2". The fossils are prepared in shallow relief. The base is made from hand-forged iron and steel.

Weight: 300 lbs.


Price: $5,500

Large Fossil Console Table 5319t (SOLD)
Large Fossil Console Table 5319t (SOLD)
A large Fossil Console table containing a Diplomsytus dentatus and two Knightia eocaena

Size: 31-5/8"H x 54"W x  16"D

Description: A fossil stone top measuring 14" x 54" x 1-5/8" with a brushed finished. The fossils include a 16" Diplomystus dentatus and two Knightia eocaena measuring 4" and 5-1/2". The fossils are prepared in shallow relief. The base is made from hand-forged iron and steel.

Weight: 180 lbs.


Price: $5,500

Round Fossil Dinning Table 8064
Round Fossil Dinning Table 8064
A 60" round table with 23 fossils

Size: 30-1/2"H x 60"Round

Description: This stone top contains a 17" Diplomystus dentatus, and 22-Knightia eocaena. Supplied with a hand-forged iron base.

Price: Price on Request

Large Fossil Console 3316
Large Fossil Console 3316
A large console table featuring 6 fossils

Size: 31-5/8"T x 14"D x 54"W

Description: Contains 3- 5" Cockerellites liops, 2- 6" Knightia eocaena, and a 4-1/2" Diplomystus dentatus. Hand Forged Base.

Weight: 136 lb.


Price Price On Request

Fossil Desk 8008
Fossil Desk 8008
This desk features 2- large Diplomystus. The base is hand-forged.

Size: 29 1/4"H × 50"W × 28"D

Description: 17" and a 13" Diplomystus dentatus.

Weight: 108 lbs. Top / 62 Base


Price: $6,000 Shipping not included.