Size: 17"H × 28" W x 4"W
Description: A 17" Amia Skull
Weight: 93 lbs
Price: $4,500
Size: 11" H x 17" W x 4" D (includes base)
Description: This two-sided fossil fish sculpture includes a limestone block containing three fossil fish. The fossils include a 5-1/4" Cockerellites liops on one side, and a 7" Diplomsytus dentatus, and a 2-3/4" Knightia eocaena on the other. The stone sits atop a steel post and base, allowing it to rotate.
Weight: 43 lbs.
Price: $2,800
Size: 17" H x 12" W x 4" D (includes base)
Description: This two-sided fossil fish sculpture includes a limestone block containing three fossil fish. The fossils include a 4" Diplomsytus dentatus, and a 5" Cockerellites on one side, and a 5" Knightia eocaena on the other. The stone sits atop a steel post and base, allowing it to rotate.
Weight: 31 lbs.
Price: $3,200
Size: 12" H x 16" W x 4" D (includes base)
Description: This two-sided fossil fish sculpture includes a limestone block containing three fossil fish. The fossils include a 6" Diplomsytus dentatus on one side, and 2- Knightia eocaena measuring 3-3/4" and 6" on the other. The stone sits atop a steel post and base, allowing it to rotate.
Weight: 39 lbs.
Price: $3,000
Size: 21" H x 14" W x 4" D (includes the base)
Description: A fossil stone sculpture containing a 7" and 5" Diplomsytus dentatus on one side, and a 6" Priscacara serrata on the other. The stone sits on a steel base and post.
Weight: 42 lbs.
Price: $3,200
Size: 12-1/2" H x 16" W x 4" D (includes base)
Description: A fossil stone sculpture that sits atop a steel base and post. The fossils include a 10" Mioplosus labracoides on one side, and a 5-1/2" Cockerellites liops on the other.
Weight: 38 lbs.
Size: 17" H x 12" W x 4" D (includes base)
Description: This fossil sculpture features a naturally fractured stone that sits atop a steel base and post. One side contains a rare 7" Phareodus encaustus, and the other side contains 2- Diplomystus dentatus in sizes of 3" and 3-3/4".
Weight: 41 lbs.