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Fossil Art-Items

Fossil Mural 4002cm
Fossil Mural 4002cm
A Collector-sized fossil mural quarried from our Steel Blue Lake stone layer.

Size: 37″ tall x 49″ wide x 1-1/4″ deep (framed)

Description: Quarried from a rare, dark limestone layer in our fossil quarry, this flowing composition of fossil fish includes an 18", 8", and 7" Diplomystus dentatus, a large 9" Priscacara serrata, and four Knightia eocaena in sizes between 4-1/2" and 5-1/2".

Weight: 89 lbs


Price: $14,800

Fossil Fish Mural 9700cm
Fossil Fish Mural 9700cm
A Collector-size fossil fish mural with an array of 50 million year old fossil fish.

Size: 48″H x 24″W x 1-1/4″D (framed)

Description: This elegant fossil fish mural features a 20" Notogoneus osculus, an 8" Diplomystus dentatus, and three Knightia eocaena ranging from 6" to 6-1/4". The delicately colored limestone was quarried from the “Fossil Lake Classic” stone layer in our quarry, located in southwestern Wyoming.

Weight: 54 lbs.


Price: $7,200

Fossil Fish Mural 9721cm
Fossil Fish Mural 9721cm
An irregularly shaped, Collector-size fossil fish mural featuring a large Mioplosus and Diplomystus.

Size: 42″H x 32″W x 1″D (an irregular shape with finished beveled edges)

Description: This subtly colored fossil limestone was quarried from the “Fossil Lake” stone layer in our quarry, located in southwestern Wyoming. The collection of 50 million-year-old fossil fish includes a 15-1/2" Mioplosus labracoides, a 13-1/2" Diplomystus dentatus, a 5" Cockerellites liops, and two Knightia eocaena measuring 4-1/2" and 5". 

Weight: 46 lbs.


Price: $13,400

Fossil Amia Mural 8004cm
Fossil Amia Mural 8004cm
A rare fossil Amia fish in a collector size mural.

Size: 33-1/4″H x 55-1/2″W x 1-1/4″D (framed)

Description: A rare 36-1/4" Amia pattersoni from our fossil quarry in southwestern Wyoming exhibits exceptional levels of detail and preservation. This 50 million-year-old fossil specimen was discovered in the "Fossil Lake Classic" layer of our quarry.

Weight: 103 lbs.


Price: Price on Request

Fossil Fish Mural 8787cm (SOLD)
Fossil Fish Mural 8787cm (SOLD)
A collector-size fossil fish mural in an elegant square presentation.

Size: 45″H x 45″W x 1-1/4″D (framed)

Description: This dramatically hued fossil limestone was quarried from the “Fossil Lake” stone layer in our quarry, located in southwestern Wyoming. The assortment of beautifully preserved, 50 million-year-old fossil fish includes a 20" Notogoneus oculus, two Diplomystus dentatus measuring 7-1/2" and 8-1/4", and two 6" Knightia eocaena. 

Weight: 68 lbs.


Price: Price on Request

Fossil Fish Mural 6008cm
Fossil Fish Mural 6008cm
A Collector-size fossil fish mural featuring an array of Eocene era fossil fish.

Size: 31″H x 49″W x 1-1/4″D (framed)

Description: This elegantly textured stone mural presents an array of fossil fish, including a 14-1/2″ Diplomystus dentatus, a 9-1/2″ Priscacara serrata, a 5-1/4" Cockerellites liops, and three Knightia eocaena ranging in size from 6" to 7". These 50 million year old, Eocene era fossils were collected from our private fossil quarry in southwestern Wyoming.

Weight: 96 lbs.


Price: Price on Request

Fossil Fish Mural 8002cm (SOLD)
Fossil Fish Mural 8002cm (SOLD)
A Collector sized fossil fish mural in a dramatic, vertical presentation.

Size: 73"H x 18"W x 1-1/2"D (framed)

Description: This fossil fish mural is composed of striking gray and beige fossil limestone from the "Mosaic Lake” stone layer in our fossil quarry in southwestern Wyoming. The cascade of exquisitely preserved, 50 million year old fish include a 17″ Diplomystus dentatus as well as an 8″ Diplomystus dentatus, an 8-1/4" Priscacara serrata, and two Knightia eocaena measuring 6-3/4" and 7" (exceptional sizes for Knightia).  

Weight: 67 lbs.


Price: $11,500

Fossil Fish Mural 3701cm
Fossil Fish Mural 3701cm
A collector size, irregularly shaped fossil fish mural featuring 50 million year old fossil fish.

Size: 35″H x 58″W x 2″D (irregular shape with finished beveled edges)

Description: This richly textured fossil fish mural features a 14" Diplomystus dentatus, a 9" Priscacara serrata, and four Knightia eocaena in sizes between 5″ and 6″. This stone was quarried from the "Fossil Lake" layer in our private quarry.

Weight: 98 lbs.


Price: price on request

Fossil Fish Diptych 3001AB
Fossil Fish Diptych 3001AB
A large fossil fish diptych featuring a variety of large and small fossil fish.

Size: 48″ tall x 50″ wide x 1-1/2″ deep (2 panels: 48″ tall x 24″ wide each). The mural has finished beveled edges.

Description: This collector-size diptych features four Diplomystus dentatus (measuring 4-3/4", 8-1/2", 17-1/2", and 18"), a 7" Phareodus testis, and four Knightia eocaena (measuring 5-3/4", 6", and two at 7"). The fossil fish are presented in gorgeously textured stone which was quarried from our "Fossil Lake Classic" layer in our private fossil quarry. 

Weight: 65 lbs each panel (130 lbs total)


Price: Price on Request

Fossil Fish Mural 2004cm (SOLD)
Fossil Fish Mural 2004cm (SOLD)
An irregularly shaped Collector-size fossil mural quarried from a dark limestone layer. The mural contains large and small fossil fish.

Size: 65”H x 35”W x 1 1/4”D

Description: This mural was quarried from our "Mosaic Lake II" stone layer. The fossils include a 20", 11" and 5-1/2" Diplomystus dentatus, a 7" Priscacara serrata, and 7- Knightia eocaena in sizes from 4" to 6". This rare dark limestone layer offers beautiful colors and textures with exceptional fossil preservation.

Weight: 122 lbs.


Price: $15,000

Fossil Fish Mural 8701cm
Fossil Fish Mural 8701cm
A Collector-sized mural containing a rare paddlefish.

Size: 27" tall x 41" wide x 1-1/4" deep (framed)

Description: Quarried from our "Fossil Lake" stone layer, this uniquely colored mural contains a rare 23" paddlefish Crossopholis magnicaudatus, a 4-3/4" Knightia eocaena and a 5-1/4" Diplomsyuts dentatus.  Paddlefish are among the hardest to find fossils in the Green RIver Formation.

Weight: 66 lbs.


Price: $15,500


Fossil Fish Mural 5004cm
Fossil Fish Mural 5004cm
A vertical Collector-size fossil fish mural containing a variety of large and small fossil fish.

Size: 49" H x 37" W x 1-5/8" D (Framed)

Description: A Vertical fossil mural with tan and orange colors. The fossils include a 14-1/2' Mioplosus, an 18-1/2" Diplomystus, and 4- Knightia eocaena in sizes between 5" and 7-1/2".

Weight: 117 lbs.


Price: $9,000

Fossil Fish Mural 7004cm
Fossil Fish Mural 7004cm
A horizonal Collector-size fossil fish mural containing five species of fossil fishes.

Size: 25" H x 49" W x 1-1/2" D (Framed)

Description: A horizontal fossil fish mural quarried from our "Fossil Lake Classic" stone layer. The fossils include a 13" Mioplosus, a 5-1/2" and 4" Diplomystus, an 8" Priscacara, a 5-1/2" Cockerellites, and 2- Knightia measuring 5-1/4" and 7".

Weight: 62 lbs.


Price: Price on request

Fossil Fish Mural 7012cm
Fossil Fish Mural 7012cm
An irregularly shaped fossil fish mural featuring large and small 50 million-year-old fossil fish.

Size: 33″H x 47″W x 1″D (irregular shape with finished beveled edges)

Description: This Collector-sized fossil fish mural features an 18″ Diplomystus dentatus, a 14″ Diplomystus dentatus, and five Knightia eocaena. This stone was quarried from our “Steel Blue Lake” layer, which is prized for its unique colors and exceptional fossil preservation.

Weight: 51 lbs.


Price: Price on Request

Fossil Fish Mural 7002cm
Fossil Fish Mural 7002cm
A collector size fossil mural featuring an array of Green River fossil fish.

Size: 48"H x 48"W x 1-1/4"D (framed)

Description: An elegant example of the fossil stone quarried from our Fossil Lake Classic layers. The mural contains two 17" Diplomystus dentatus, a 10-1/2" Diplomystus dentatus, and four Knightia eocaena.

Weight: 135 lbs.


Price: Price On Request

Fossil Fish Mural 6002cm
Fossil Fish Mural 6002cm
A vertical Collector-sized fossil fish mural containing large and small fossil fish

Size: 45”H x 35”W x 1 1/4”D (irregular shape with finished beveled edges)

Description: This Collecter-sized fossil fish mural was quarried from our "Fossil Lake" stone layer. The fossils include a 16-1/2" and 5-1/2" Diplomystus dentatus, an 18" Notogonoeus osculus, a 5" Cockerellites liops, and a 5-1/2" Knightia eocaena, all with exceptional fossil presevation. This stone offers bold textures and subtle limestone colors.

Weight: 60 lbs.


Price: $11,500

Fossil Plant and Fish Mural 1123cm
Fossil Plant and Fish Mural 1123cm
An irregularly shaped Collector-size fossil mural containing a rare palm leaf and a Diplomystus.

Size: 53"H x 37"W x 1-1/4"D (irregular shape with finished bevelved edges)

Description: Quarried from the Upper stone layers of our quarry, this mural contains a rare fossil palm leaf. The mural also contains an 11" Diplomystus dentatus.

Weight: 68 lbs.


Price: Price On Request

Fossil Fish Mural 0701cm
Fossil Fish Mural 0701cm
A horizontal fossil fish mural quarried from a light limestone layer. It contains three fossil fish including a large Mioplosus.

Size: 24-1/2″H x 48-1/2" W x 1-1/4″D (Framed)

Description: Quarried from our “Fossil Lake” stone layer, this mural offers bold textures and subtle beige colors. The fossils include a giant 17″ Mioplosus labracoides with an open mouth, a 5″ Cockerellites liops, and a 6" Knightia eocaena.

Weight: 70 lbs.


Price: Price on request

Fossil Fish Mural 2803cm (hold)
Fossil Fish Mural 2803cm (hold)
A horizontal Collector-size fossil fish mural. The fossils include a rare Notogoneus, a Diplomystus, a Cockerellites, and 4-Knightia.

Size: 37" H x 49" W x 1-1/2" D (Framed).

Description: A horizontal mural quarried from our "Fossil Lake Classic" stone layer. The fossils include a 23" Notogoneus, a 18-1/2" Diplomystus, a 5" Cockerellites, and 4- Knightia eocaena in sizes between 4-1/2" and 7".

Weight: 101 lbs.


Price: Price on request

Fossil Fish Mural 5002cm (SOLD)
Fossil Fish Mural 5002cm (SOLD)
An irregularly shaped fossil mural containing a large 21 Phareodus a large Diplomsytus and a Knightia.

Size: 52″H x 44″W x 1-1/2″D (irregular shape with finished beveled edges)

Description: This Collector-sized fossil fish mural features a 21" Phareodus encaustus, a 16-3/4" Diplomystus dentatus, and a large 7-3/4" Knightia eocaena. The mural also contains a partially exposed Diplomystus dentatus (center left). This stone was quarried from our "Fossil Lake" layer, with unique colors and textures.

Weight: 104 lbs.


Price:  SOLD

Fossil Fish Mural 4001cm (SOLD)
Fossil Fish Mural 4001cm (SOLD)
A vertical Collector-size mural containing over 100 Knightia eocaena, many remain unprepared below the stone's surface.

Size: 47-1/2"H x 34"W x 1-5/8"D (framed)

Description: This is a most unique mural containing a mass mortality of Knightia eocaena. We estimate well over 100 fossils can be found. We have preparied 40.

Weight: 127 lbs.


Price: $14,000

Fossil Fish Mural 1730cm (SOLD)
Fossil Fish Mural 1730cm (SOLD)
An irregularly shaped Collector-size fossil mural containing seven fossil fish, including a large Diplomystus.

Size: 36″H x 56″W x 1-1/4″D

Description: This mural features three Diplomystus dentatus measuring 8″,15-1/4″, & 18-1/2", and four Knightia eocaena in sizes ranging from 5-1/2" to 6".

Weight: 94 lbs


Price: Price on Request

A rare 43" fossil Gar Masillosteus janei
Fossil Gar Mural 7001cm (SOLD)
A horizontal Collector size fossil mural containing a rare short nose Gar

Size: 30-1/2"H x 52"W x 1-1/2"D (Framed).

Description: This fossil fish mural contains a rare 43" Gar Masillosteus janeae. It is among the rarest fossils found in the Green River Formation. The dimension and preservation detail is exceptional.

Weight: 87 lbs.


Price: Price on Request

Fossil Mural 8343cm (on hold)
Fossil Mural 8343cm (on hold)
A horizontal Collector size mural containing two large Diplomystus.

Size: 31”H x 49”W x 2-3/4”D

Description: A 20" and a 17" Diplomystus on a light-colored limestone matrix (framed in Walnut).

Weight: 73lbs.


Price: Price on Request

Fossil Fish Mural 2008cm (SOLD)
Fossil Fish Mural 2008cm (SOLD)
A vertical Collector-sized fossil fish mural. Quarried from a dark limestone layer, this mural contains 5 fossil fish.

Size: 61″H x 25″W x 1-1/4″D (Framed)

Description: Quarried from our “Mosiac Lake I” stone layer, this mural contains 5- fossil fish. They include a 16-1/2″ and 6-1/2" Diplomystus dentatus, an 8-1/4″ Priscacara serrata, and 2- Knightia eocaena 5” and 5-1/2″.

Weight: 70 lbs.


Price: Price on Request

Fossil Fish Mural 6003cm (SOLD)
Fossil Fish Mural 6003cm (SOLD)
A horizontal fossil fish mural quarried from a dark limestone layer. The mural contains 7 large and small fossil fish.

Size: 37″H x 49"W x 1-5/8″D (Framed)

Description: Quarried from our “Mosiac Lake II” stone layer, this mural contains 7- fossil fish. They include a 19″ Phareodus encaustus, a 9″ Priscacara serrata, and 5- Knightia eocaena in sizes between 5" and 7″.

Weight: 117 lbs.

